================================= =SECTION TWO= CHEATS AND SPOILERS ================================= ------------------------------------- CHAPTER [9]: How can I cheat in DOOM? ------------------------------------- *9-1*: What are the DOOM cheat codes? ===================================== Here is a list of the cheat codes from DOOM. During play, just type the codes in with the keyboard. You need not hit ENTER after the code. After entering, a message should be displayed at the top of the screen telling which cheat mode was activated. idbehold Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice) S=Strength (Berserk) V=Invulnerability I=Partial invisibility A=Full Automap (computer map) R=Anti-radiation suit L=Light amplification visors idchoppers Gives you the chain saw (long story behind the message) idclev Warp (followed by episode number and level number) # idclip No clipping (you can walk through walls) iddqd Degreelessness mode (God mode) iddt Toggles Automap between normal, full, and full with objects (enter when in Automap mode) + idfa Gives full ammo, 200% armor, and all weapons but no keys idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons & keys) # idmus Changes the music to a certain mission (followed by episode and level number) idmypos Displays your bearing and coordinates in hex @ idspispopd No clipping (you can walk through walls) #: Found only in DOOM II @: Only found in in DOOM I +: Only found in DOOM v1.4bt and up *9-2*: What command line parameters exist? ========================================== To use most of these parameters, start DOOM by typing: "doom -devparm ". If the "-devparm" parameter is not needed, the parameter will be marked with a plus (+). Most of these parameters can be mixed and matched to create different effects. For instance, typing "doom -devparm -wart 1 8 -record demo01 -respawn" would record a demo on episode one, level eight, with monster respawn. Lastly, typing F1 during development mode will allow a 256 color screen capture in PCX format. @ Used to read in a command line parm file -altdeath Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above) -avg Ends the game after 20 minutes -cdrom Uses C:\DOOMDATA directory for data -comdev Internal development, texture mapping -config + Reads an alternate configuration file -control Unknown -deathmatch + Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode -debugfile Dumps debugging info to debug.txt -devparm Puts you in developers mode -episode + Starts on episode (1-3) -GUS Uses the original GUS instrument mapping -GUS1 Uses the new GUS instrument mapping (default) -fast +++ Nightmare mode without respawn -file + Allows usage of an external PWAD file -left ++ Sets up a network terminal for the "left view" -loadgame + Starts from a saved game (0-5) -maxdemo + Specifies the maximum size of a LMP recording -nodes + Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players -noblit Internal bugging switch, useless -nodraw Internal bugging switch, useless -nojoy Does not use the joystick -nomonsters + Starts the game without monsters -nomouse Does not use the mouse -nomusic Does not play background music -nosfx No sound effects -nosound No sound at all -opl3 Enables the stereo music through OPL-3 on PAS16 -phase Enables phase shifting on PAS16 -playdemo #+ Plays back a recorded demo -record + Makes a demo recording until you finish or die -recordfrom <0-5> + Records a demo from a saved game -regdev Internal development, texture mapping -respawn + Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare -right ++ Sets up a network terminal for "right view" -shdev Internal development, texture mapping -skill + Starts on skill level (1-5) -statcopy Unknown -timedemo # Calculates the number of times the screen is redrawn when playing a demo -turbo Increases the speed of the marine -warp Warps to episode (1-3) level (1-9) -wart Loads a PWAD named ExMy.wad +: Does not require the "-DEVPARM" parameter. ++: If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players. The three terminals should have the parameters: "doom -devparm -nodes 3 -left" "doom -devparm -nodes 3" "doom -devparm -nodes 3 -right" Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration. When you turn your head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees! This ONLY works with versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of DOOM. +++: Must be used in conjunction with the "-WARP" parameter #: For the "-playdemo" and "-timedemo" options, if you give an LMP file name of "demo#" (i.e. "demo3"), then that internal demo will be played if the external LMP file is not found. For example, to play the internal 1.6 shareware demo #2 (multiplayer demo), type "doom -playdemo demo2". Additionally, when using "-timedemo," the game will give you two numbers after you quit to DOS, GAMETICS and REALTICS. To determine the DOOM frame rate use the formula (GAMETICS/REALTICS) * 35. Note: DO NOT name your LMP demos ExMx.LMP, or they will *NOT* work. If anyone has any idea what the "unknown" or question marked parameters do, send me some E-mail! [9-2-1]: What do the dots that appear in development mode mean? --------------------------------------------------------------- Direct from id, the final formula for calculating the frame rate that the dots represent has been determined. The formula to convert dots to frames per second is: 70 -------------------- + 1